Кафедра СП — одна з найпрестижніших кафедр КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, яка першою в Україні розпочала підготовку фахівців з комп'ютерних систем проектування у 1972 році. Кафедра СП здійснює підготовку фахівців для науково-дослідної, проектної і організаційно-управлінської діяльності у галузі застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у проектуванні найрізноманітніших об'єктів штучного середовища людини і інформатизації функціонування організацій та установ.

Student's life > Students' municipality
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Department of System Design (SD)


Department of System Design which earlier had the name of Computer Aided Design Systems (CADS), trains specialists on computer design systems. Specialists prepare for scientific-research, project and organization-management activity in the field of applying modern information technologies in developing multiple objects of artificial human environment and informatization of establishments functioning.


Speciality sense is the use of modern computer technologies (mathematic modelling, electronic tables, graphic and text processors, data bases and knowledge bases, computer networks, expert systems and decision making systems, multimedia technologies, Internet network information resources) at all stages of individual or collective optimization design and developing the new objects and processes: preliminary research, action principles choice, development of sketch and technical projects, multi-sided engineering analysis and project optimization, preparing constructor documentation and managing information for computer aided enterprises.


Training of specialists is carried out after the following directions:

  1. Customized LSI complex automated design systems;
  2. \r\n
  3. Computer programming in information Internet environment;
  4. \r\n
  5. Designing the network multimedia information resources of CADS;
  6. \r\n
  7. Modern means of computer optimal design of engineering objects and social economical systems;
  8. \r\n
  9. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence systems design in CADS.
  10. \r\n

Department graduates get the following professional training:

  • System integration of the complex program complexes of computer design for technical or social economical projects of wide purpose “turnkey”;
  • \r\n
  • Providing the organizations\' needs in multi-variant design of technical objects (first of all, electronic systems or their element basis in the form of customized LSI);
  • \r\n
  • Design, development and exploitation of computer networks and systems, means of electronic data transfer and information safety;
  • \r\n
  • Development of programs by the modern means of CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), computer and HTML (JAVA) technologies, placing and search for necessary information in the Internet;
  • \r\n
  • Using the modern tools of information technologies to provide functioning of organizations themselves: application programs installing, creation of data bases, systems of business processes and office automation;
  • \r\n
  • Information re-design of organizations according to their needs, connecting to information Internet resources, creation of working places with network support.
  • \r\n
  • Department graduates work in state, small and common enterprises, the other commercial structures, providing their informatization and connection to Internet. Department graduates have probation abroad and have to use the obtained knowledge in national branch of CADS and electronics.
  • \r\n

Historical reference


Department began training specialists on computer systems of design in 1972, being first in Ukraine and one of the first in former USSR. Everything began from \'Industrial electronics\' specialty, exactly, from \'Electronic devices for control systems\' specilaty. The complicated way of establishing electronic techniques as branch which was first manufacturing utilities and electronic devices, to branch of development and manufacturing superlarge integrated circuits and computers based on them, was performed.


Such main stages can be stressed on this way.

In the beginning (left to right): Associate professor A.I. Petrenko, associate professor S.V. Denbnovetsky, associate professor Y.M. Kalnibolotsky and director of Department prof. V.P. Sigorsky.

CADS idea conception (1964-1970)


Department was headed by prof., D.E. Vitaliy Petrovych Sigorsky, and it was training specialists in \'Electronic devices for control systems\' specialization, specialty 0612 (\'Industrial electronics\') composed of one academic group (25 students). There was begun, and has been carried out actively, research of methods and algorithms for linear electronic circuits analysis, graphic information converters for computers, scale-time signal converters, etc. At this time Department\'s collective has been forming, and its traditions have been created. It must be mentioned that this period meant renaissance of \'Technical electronics\' specialization that was created in 1956 by associate professor, Doctor of technical sciences S.V. Svechnikov on \'electronic devices\' Department (who is now academician of NAS of Ukraine, Director of Institute of semiconductors). In 1962 (after S.V. Svechnikov \'s move to NAS of Ukraine) \'Industrial electronics\' Department (head, associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.V. Rudenko) was created, where the basic backbone of specialization (associate professor A.I. Petrenko, associate professor Y.M. Kalnibolotsky, senior lecturer E.M. Vakulenko, assistant S.V. Denbnovetsky, assistant V.G. Abakumov, assistant A.A. Budniak) continued working in the field of signal electronics and control systems. When prof. V.P. Sigorsky came to \'KPI\', restored specialization on the new Department in relatively short time achieved noticeable success after all directions of its activity: educational-methodical, scientific and organization-educational. At these years V.V. Bobin, O.O. Kapshuk, V.Y. Zinchenko, V.G. Artuhov, V.V. Romanov, V.G. Fesechnko, Y.A. Zaborovsky came as graduate students to the Department, and then they became its collaborators.


The most important events of this period include:

  • organization of permanently working seminar \'Methods of analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits\' at Republican House of scientific-technical information;
  • \r\n
  • participation in all-USSR program of Academy of Sciences of USSR on BASONI experimental research automatization;
  • \r\n
  • opening the task laboratory on converting graphic information for computer;
  • \r\n
  • writing and publication of tutorials and monographies: “Теория электрических схем” (Сигорский В.П., Петренко А.И., “Техника”, Киев, 1967 (перше видання) і “Вища школа”, Киев, 1970 (друге видання)); “Алгоритмы анализа электронных схем” (Сигорский В.П., Петренко А.И., “Техника”, Киев, 1971); “Матрицы и графы в электронике” (Сигорский В.П., “Техника”, Киев, 1968); “Автоматический ввод графиков в ЭВМ” (Петренко А.И., “Советское радио”, Москва, 1968); “Современные методы анализа электронных схем” (Петренко А.И., “Техника”, София, 1970) etc.;
  • \r\n
  • defence of two Doctoral (A.I. Petrenko - 1968, Y.M. Kalnibolotsky - 1970) and 9 Candidate\'s dissertations.
  • \r\n

Beginning of CADS idea introducing (1971-1976)


Department headed by its new head, prof., D.E. A.I. Petrenko moved to training specialists on new specialty 0648 \'Building and manufacturing of computer devices\'. For the first time in practice, “Mathematic modelling of electronic circuits on computers\' course was introduced into curriculum. Amount of students increased to 2 academic groups (50 students). In connection with this, Department\'s educational work is rebuilt. Courses which have been read before were almost completely conducted for unification to the general faculty Department of general engineering training which was created on FET (\'Theoretical electronics\' Department, Head of Department prof., D.E. V. P. Sigorsky.); educational laboratories were re-equipped completely - 6 mini computers of СМ-4, СМ-3, СМ-1 types are used; cycle of important research works on automatization of non-linear systems and circuit design, automatization of project constructor works in electronics is performed.


New specialty required the new specialists: during this time, O.P. Tsoorin, V.F. Leskin, Y.S. Synekop and the others began to work on Department. In general, the collective which comprised 120, was the winner and prize winner of professional competition among the Departments of Faculty and Institute during 1971-1975. In academic year of 1971-72, on general Institute review, Department occupied the first place, in 1972-73, 1973-74 and 1974-75 Department have been occupying first place among the Departments of Faculty and Institute on scientific achievements review. From 46 factors introduced in 1975 Department had the highest values after 16factors (more than the other Departments had), and none of values was lower than the average level.


The most important events of this period include:

      writing and publication of monographs \r\n
    • “Algorithmic analysis of electronic circuits” (Petrenko A., Sigorsky V., Western Periodical, San-Francisco, USA, 1975);
    • \r\n
    • “Автоматизированная система проектирования электронных схем” (edited by A.I. Petrenko, V.P. Sigorsky.).- Киев: “Техника”, 1973.;
    • \r\n
    • “Анализ электронных схем с помощью ЭЦВМ” (authors\' collective, published by Lviv University, 1975);
    • \r\n
    • “Преобразователи графической информации для ЭЦВМ” (author\'s collective).- Киев: “Техника”, 1974);
    • \r\n
    • “Побудова пристроїв графічної взаємодії“ , Цурін О.П. - Київ: “Знання “, 1974. etc.;
    • \r\n
  • organization of permanently working seminar \'Design automation in electronics\' at Rebublic House of scientific-technical and economic information;
  • \r\n
  • participation in executing the all-USSR program on development of automated working places;
  • \r\n
  • defence of two Doctoral (V.G. Abakumov, S.V. Denbnovetsky) and 18 Candidate\'s dissertations;
  • \r\n
  • Prize of \'KPI\' in 1972 for tutorial \'Fundamentals of electric circuits theory\' (V.P. Sigorsky, A.I. Petrenko);
  • \r\n
  • international recognition of scientific success, and inviting prof. A.I. Petrenko to the National University of California (Berkeley) in 1976 for common scientific work.
  • \r\n

CADS specialty official recognition (1976-1981)


During this period, the new specialization 06.48.02. on training CADS developers, was officilay introduced, which required wide use of computers at all stages of design, building Computer Techniques and CADS technical means with the use of micro processor LSI as element base. Considerable modernization of specialty curriculum was needed, 8 new courses were introduced, they were built on original materials of scientific research in the field of CADS, conducted by Department and its task laboratory. material-technical base was renewed - 10 computers, including one large “EC-1033” computer for general University CADS laboratory, headed by associate professor A.A. Budnyak. For performing laboratory practice, program complex were used which were created mostly by Department collaborators.


Important cycle of CADS research was carried out, according to decrees of ДКНТ, national plan of Ussr and Inter-governmental Commission of Counsil for Economical Aid countries on computational techniques was carried out. For example, educational CADS Computer Techniques was created according to the task of ДКНТ Coordinated plan of developing national economy of USSR. Lecture courses on micro processor techniques were introduced (for this, 3 foreign books were translated and published). Cycle of researching the means of jacquard weaving automatization was carried out. Collective of Department (which got the name АP Computer Techniques— Computer Techniques design automatization), as earlier, kept leadership in professional contest among Departments of faculty and Institute. For achievements in educational-manufacturing activity, Department was given the title \'perfect\', and it was rewarded by Jubilee document in 1980. Perfect department also had perfect student groups: the group DА-71 was given the title \'perfect\', and the group DА-72 was called the best one among the IV year groups of in the Institute. G.D. Kiselev, V.M. Podladchikov, А.М. Smirnov, S.М Molyavko came to work on Department.


The most important events of this period include:

  • writing and publication of initial monograph series on CADS, among which are \r\n
    • “Табличные методы анализа электронных схем” (Петренко А.И., Власов А.М., Тимченко А.П.).- Киев.: “Вища школа”, 1977.;
    • \r\n
    • “Автоматизация проектирования цифровых схем” (Петренко А.И., Цурин О.Ф., Киселев Г.Д., .).- Киев.: “Вища школа”, 1978.;
    • \r\n
    • “Формальное конструирование электронно-вычислительной аппаратуры” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я.).- Москва: “Советское радио”, 1979.;
    • \r\n
    • “Автоматическое программирование жеккардовых ткацких рисунков” (коллектив авторов).- Киев: “Техника”, 1979.;
    • \r\n
    • “Автоматизация конструирования электронной аппаратуры. Топологический подход” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я., Шранченко Б.Л.).- Киев: ”Вища школа”, 1980. (перше видання), 1982. (друге видання);
    • \r\n
    • “Автоматизация проектирования гибридных интегральных схем“ ( коллектив авторов).- Москва: Энергия, 1978.;
    • \r\n
  • \r\n
  • KPI prize of 1978 for monograph “Табличные методы анализа електронных схем”;
  • \r\n
  • prize of all-USSR contest of MinVUZ of USSR in 1980 for the best scientific work on SPARS package of circuit engineering design programs;
  • \r\n
  • introducing scientific implementations in the form of three industrial ОСТ for electronic circuit design;
  • \r\n
  • defence of 12 Candidate\'s dissertations;
  • \r\n
  • selling license for manufacturing and introducing automatized preparation of jacquard weaving to Bulgaria;
  • \r\n
  • estimation of CADS specialists\' high level of training, given after results of testing by State Inspectorate of MinVUZ of USSR in March 1981.
  • \r\n

Wide implementation of CADS (1981-1986)


Specialists\' training after the new techniques, which was performed by Department, required from its collective serious efforts on developing scientific-methodical literature on specialty and on creating the corresponding material-technical basis, and this ended in 1983 by introducing officially in the USSR and opening in 1985 in \'KPI\' the new specialty, 0656, \'Computer aided design systems\'. Until that time15 basic scientific CADS disciplines (and their modifications for special faculty, courses and faculty of professional development) were developed in Department; scientific-research CADS Computer Techniques, which enabled performing transparent design of complex electronic devices, which also included microprocessor systems programming, was put into use; 6 display classes with 60 working places were created; Department branch on PA “Кristal” was actively working. Started due to money received from scientific research introduction, computational base provided 250-300 hours of contact with computers for students of specialty during one academic year, which was record not only for higher educational establishments in Ukraine (MinVUZ\'s norm for that time was15-20 hours for the whole period of studying in higher educational establishment!). Department started the wide system of engineer specialists\' qualification improvement, conducted 2 all-USSR conferences on methods of micro processor systems design and CADS and one all-USSR conference \'Graphic dialogue systems\'. Up to 1500 listeners from pioneering organizations and industrial enterprises. Department collaborators (as aid to Kiev enterprises) have read the considerable amount of lectures cycles on CADS on PA “Mayak”, Petrovsky PA, Korolyov PA, on CADS Department of National Technical university, PA “Promtyazhavtomatyka”, etc.

  • Fundamental and applied work on creating technical and program means of electronic modelling and computer aided design, useful for state economy;
  • \r\n
  • development of micro processor systems of wide and specific purpose and means for their programming automatization;
  • \r\n
  • automatization of labour-intensive processes of enterprise technological preparation;
  • \r\n
  • creating means for customized and matrix LSI design, methods and means of digital signal processing, design of specialized graphic systems were continued on Department.
  • \r\n

During this period, CADS collective is the leader in contest between the Departments of Faculty and University. Every year Department and its task laboratory were confirming the title \'perfect\' which was given to them. Department works rhythmically, collective has normal social psychological microclimate and creative atmosphere. Student collective is also the reason to be glad. For instance, for XI five-year plan students published 56 articles and received 20 awards for contest scientific works. Department graduates get the high-quality fundamental training and improve the applied training on the pioneering Kiev enterprises, such as PA “Кristal”, Electronmash, Korolyov ПO, Kiev Radio Engineering plant, \'Arsenal\' plant, etc. In its turn, Department shows on exhibition 41 exhibit, and gets 9 awards.

Conference of CADS section, Council of economical aid (РЕВ, 1985)

The most important events of this period include:

    \r\ncontinuing publications on CADS: “Основы построения САПР” (Петренко А.И., ”Техника”, Киев, 1982); “Топологические методы трассровки печатных плат” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я., Забалуєв Н.Н., “Радио и связь”, Москва 1983); “Автоматизация проектирования больших интегральных схем”“Основы построения САПР” (учебник, Петренко А.И., Семенков О.И., “Вища школа”, Киев, 1984 - first edition, 1985 - second edition); “Основы на системите на автоматизирано проектиране САПР” (Петренко А., Семенков О., “Техника”, София, 1986);


    - participation in Interdepartmental complex task program PRАМ (task 01), in Single Coordination plan of collaboration of Council for applying the means of computational techniques for countries-members of РЕВ (task 2.3.7) etc;


    - carrying out regular 1,5 - month courses on micro processor techniques for engineers (100 listeners from МПО and 800 listeners from Ministry of Communications of Ukraine per year);


    - defence of one Doctoral (A.Y. Tetelbaum) and 15 Candidate\'s dissertations;State Prize of Ukraine for 1986


    - rewarding prof. A.I. Petrenko with State Order “Sign of Respect” for successes in scientific and pedagogical activity;


    - signing and executing direct agreements on collaboration with Coordinational Center of Informatics and Computational Techniques of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Gabrov Higher Machine-Electric Engineering Institute and Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute;


    - choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as deputy editor of international magazine “Circuit Theory and Application” (Great Britain).



    5. Move to multistage model of engineer education (1986-1992)


    So called \'restructuring\', begun in USSR, led to country disintegration, and it had influence on specialists\' training system. \'Law on Education\' was adopted in the independent Ukraine, which made provision for move to the multistage model of engineering training. To provide this, Department took active part in forming curriculum for Bachelor training у after modified specialty 560.200 “Computer information technologies (CADS)”, preparing 12 basic and 10 elective courses, implementing the new specialization 560.240 \'Computer aided design and control of social economical objects and CADS systems in industry and business\'. For the period mentioned, change of computer devices on Department and in its display classes was made. In conditions when supply from executed economic calculation subjects were first reduced and then disappeared, it was important to look for alternative ways of receiving the computational techniques. For this period, Department received: from IBM Company, for scientific-research work on high school tasks (1989-1990, 4 computers), from Bulgarian \'Mekhatronika\' enterprise according to agreement on collaboration (1989-90, 7 computers), from DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Company on conducting common scientific-research work (3 computers, 10 working stations and 8 remote terminals), etc. At Department expense, 8 national and 9 Polish computers were purchased.


    In conditions of economic crisis of national electronic industry, channels of funding for economic subject works stopped working, and Department made the additional efforts to win three contest national budget works on the line of Ukrainian State Committee on science and technologies, and also Ministry of Science of Ukraine. In spite of shortening its amount, Department has been holding scientific seminars and conferences every year (in Kiev, Slavsky, Verhovyny, Tschernivtsi), in the work of which took part more than 1000 engineers and scientists, organizations of Ukraine and of the other countries the near abroad. Department also took active part in conducting after the line of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine the international conference \'State of industry in Ukraine and ways of its renovation\' in June 1992. To replace the international connections after РЕВ line, collaboration with Michigan State University, with International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), with COMNET European Association for Universities and Industry was established. For instance, in 1991-92 educational years, economic disciplines of specialty have been read in English by specialists from the USA.


    The most important events of this period include:


    - publishing the line of tutorials, including: “Схематическое моделирование в машиностроении” (A.I. Petrenko, V.V. Ladogubets, V.V. Tschkalov, UМО МО, Kiev, 1989); “Графические диалоговые средства САПР” (O.P. Tsoorin, УМО МО, Kiev, 1990); “Автоматизация проектирования технологических процессов изготовления БИС” (authors\' collective, UМО МО, Kiev, 1988); “Геометрическое моделирование и машинная графика в САПР” (authors\' collective, “Вища школа”, Kiev, 1991); “Справочник по микропроцессорной електронно-вычислительной аппаратуре” (authors\' collective, “Теника”, Kiev, 1988);


    - Prize of KPI for 1990 for developing the complex of automated circuit engineering design in mechanical engineering;


    - choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as Academician and Vice president of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, adjunct professor of Michigan State University, member of editorial board of “Applied Engineering Education” magazine;


    - successful training of Bachelors\' on the renovated computer basis of the Department;


    - entering the European and international associations of engineering education.



    6. Establishing design computerization as computer science (1993-1998)


    At forming the official list of specialties in Ukraine the old name for \'Computer design systems (CADS)\' specialty was changed, according to the international practice, to \'Information technologies of design\'


    Conference of Department of Informatization and Automatization of AIN of Ukraine (1993)



    L.S. Globa, О.А. Luntovsky, V.Y. Stikanov, T.І Golota., Y.V. Demchenko, V.S. Georgizova-Gai began to work on Department during this period.



    CAD Department, 1998 (left to right):


    first row: associate professor А.А. Budniak, associate professor О.І. Kondratenko, prof. A.I. Petrenko, prof. V.G. Artuhov, associate professor V.Y. Zinchenko;


    second row: associate professor V.V. Bobin, senior staff scientist V.V. Ladogubets, associate professor O.P. Tsoorin, associate professor V.Y. Stikanov, prof. L.S. Globa, associate professor V.V. Romanov, associate professor O.O. Kapshuk, associate professor V.G. Kiselev.


    The most important events of this period include:


    - writing and publication of the first national monograph “Multimedia” (коллектив авторов, изд-во BHV, Киев, 1994); scientific edition of Russian translation of the book “Все про Internet” by A. Krol (изд-во BHV, Киев, 1995);


    - writing and publication in Australia at UNESCO expense of the first monography “ALLTED” - a Computer-Aided Engineering System for Electronic Circuit Design” (Petrenko A.I., Ladogubets V.V., Tchkalov V.V., Pudlowski Z.J., UICEE, Melbourne, 1997);


    - defence of Doctorate (L.S. Globa) and 12 candidate\'s dissertations;


    - organization at Department in 1993 of International Center for perspective education \'Multimedia\' (VRC-1-Vocation Renewal Centre);


    - receiving grants after CALMAP-TACIS European program (1992-94), connected with multimedia technologies; after “Favouring Internet development in Ukraine” program by “Renaissance” trust (1996-1997); after COPERNICUS-INCO European program, dedicated to network exchange of multimedia tutorials from European higher educational establishments (beginning from 1997);


    - getting computer class on the new personal computers Pentium2 by Department as winner of tender from Intel Company;


    - organization of engineering and Master training;


    - computer base of Department modernization, introduction of local network and class with on-line Internet addresses;


    - creation of Department\'s WWW-page (home page) in Internet;


    - mastering and introducing into the educational process of VHDL-technology of electronic circuits design automatization on the highest levels of hierarchic description;- choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as member of New York Academy of Sciences and Honoured professor of NTUU \'Kiev Polytechnic Institute\';


    - creation on the basis of scientific sub department of scientific-research \'Information resources\' Center in NTUU \'KPI\'.



    7. Active international collaboration (since 1998)


    As world-acknowledged qualified and reliable partner, CADS Department has been actively involved, and is being involved into numerous international projects where its partners are Bristol, Erlangen-Nurnberg and Wroclaw Universities (after MM-EDU project of INCO-COPERNICUS European program); Michigan and Turin Universities (after Т1636 project of USTC); American General Electric and Compaq Companies; Southern Korean SeoduLogic Company.


    Regular Master\'s probation abroad begun. Eight Masters were working in Frankfurt-upon-Oder University in 2001, three more were working in German TRW Automotive Company, and one Master was working in Belgium. Now, beginning from January 15, 2002, five Masters work in Germany. For the last three years the amount of foreign citizens studying after \'Information technologies of design\' specialty, has increased considerably. Now this group comprises 32 students which are half of all the foreign students on Faculty of Electronics.


    After data of NTUU \'KPI\' selection committee, competition for \'Information technologies of design\' specialty in 2001 was the highest one on the Electronics Faculty (3.44 pers./place) and has almost reached the best value on the Faculty of Informatics and Computational techniques (3.47 pers./place). That is why the University administration assented to collect the additional group of students on specialty to teach them by contract basis.In 1999 prof. A.I. Petrenko conducted the educational seminar in Chinese University of Shansha and git the diploma of Honoured professor in this University. In 2000 he has been invited to read lectures to Pohang University of Science and Technology (Southern Korea), the best University of far East.


    At this time Department accepted on continuing basis the next collaborators: associate professor V.V. Ladogubets and senior lecturer V.S. Georgizova-Gai, аnd К.V. Kharchenko and O.Y. Beznosyk became lecturers – by-workers.



    At Prof. Lee\'s, Rector of Seoul National University


    The most important events of this period include:


    - getting in1999 the grant from Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Centre (ASTC) on developing the “Development of network complex of complex multifunctional systems computer aided design” project;


    - development, according to the task of International MM-EDU project, of multimedia remote learning course “In-build systems design” in WebCT environment and its demonstration in video conference mode during the visit of Director of International Institute of Intellectual property to NTUU \'KPI\' (October 2001) ;


    - executing in 2001 contract with General Electric Company for development of mathematical MEMS model (ultrasonic electric membrane);


    - agreement from 2000 with Southern Korean SeoduLogic Company about including the Department program product ALLTED into the MyCAD integrated system for LSI design;


    - beginning of real LSI development for modern technologies (0.18 mc), development of five integrated circuits for Germany and their manufacturing on Siemens Company:


    - receiving technical support in the form of computer equipment for the sum of 30.000 USDfrom Соmpaq Company;


    - modernization of the Department computer classes and computer network, changing Internet provider and increasing bandwidth of communication channel to128 Kb/seс;


    - writing and publication abroad of two books: “ALL TECHNOLOGY DISIGNER: Reference Book” (edited by A.I. Petrenko and Yung Su Yu, San Mun University, 1999, 342 р.) and “Basics of Electronic Circuits Computer – Aided Design” (A.I. Petrenko, Pohang University, 2000, 249 р.);


    - signing an agreement with Open International University of Human Development \'Ukraine\' about collaboration in organization of training specialists for people with special needs (invalids);


    - participation with invited lectures by Prof. A.I. Petrenko in the work of European Conference on scheme theory and design (ECCTD’99 and ECCTD’01), which took place, correspondingly, in Italy (1999) and Finland(2001);


    - signing an agreement in 2002 with American UniGraphics Company about equipping the scientific-educational laboratory of Department of Computer Graphics with 6 work stations.



    Main Department achievements during its existing on Faculty of Electronics:



    1. Preparing 85 Candidate\'s and 6 Doctoral dissertations (A.I. Petrenko, Y.M. Kalnibolotsky, S.V. Denbnovetsky, V.G. Abakumov, O.Y. Tetekbaum, L.S. Globa).


    2. Preparation and publication of complex library over the whole theory and practice of CADS whcihcontains 29 monographs, tutorials and textbooks, 18 brochures and 950 scientific works.


    3. National recognition in the form of State Prize of Ukraine for \'Fundamentals of CADS modelling\' textbook (A.I. Petrenko, 1986) and three \'KPI\' Prizes (1972,78 and 90).


    4. Foreign recognition by translating and publishing 4 monographs in the USA, Bulgaria, Australia, and Korea, involving the Department into executing international projects and inviting to editorial boards of “Circuit Theory and Application” (England) and “Applied Engineering Education”(Germany) international magazines.


    5. Creation of powerful design automatization complexes in electronics (PRAM, ALLTED, KOMOL etc.), first releases of which were approved as state standards for Minoboronprom, Minradioprom, Minserednyomash and Mingazmash of former Soviet Union.


    6. Creation of Scientific Research Institute of Informtional Resources in NTUU \'KPI\' (1998).


    7. Creation of training direction for specialists on computer design and increasing the Faculty students contingent for 125 people (first 75 on Department of АПЕОА, and then 50 people on Department of CADS).


    8. Creation of well-equipped computer laboratories on the basis of personal computers, local computer net which is connected to the Internet World Wide Web. Creation of curriculum for fundamental and special training, taking into account the international standards (first of all, ACM/IEEE/Curricula’91 common recommendations) for studying computer science.


    9. Creation of scientific school in the field of computer aided design systems, well-known both in Ukraine and abroad, which carries on research, development and implementation of pioneering methods for technical and social and economical objects design, their parameters and characteristics optimization, principles of organization of distributed program-technical network design complexes, information multimedia resources for providing the processes of design and education.

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Our history

Department of System Design (SD)

Department of System Design which earlier had the name of Computer Aided Design Systems (CADS), trains specialists on computer design systems. Specialists prepare for scientific-research, project and organization-management activity in the field of applying modern information technologies in developing multiple objects of artificial human environment and informatization of establishments functioning.

Speciality sense is the use of modern computer technologies (mathematic modelling, electronic tables, graphic and text processors, data bases and knowledge bases, computer networks, expert systems and decision making systems, multimedia technologies, Internet network information resources) at all stages of individual or collective optimization design and developing the new objects and processes: preliminary research, action principles choice, development of sketch and technical projects, multi-sided engineering analysis and project optimization, preparing constructor documentation and managing information for computer aided enterprises.

Training of specialists is carried out after the following directions:

  1. Customized LSI complex automated design systems;
  2. Computer programming in information Internet environment;
  3. Designing the network multimedia information resources of CADS;
  4. Modern means of computer optimal design of engineering objects and social economical systems;
  5. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence systems design in CADS.

Department graduates get the following professional training:

  • System integration of the complex program complexes of computer design for technical or social economical projects of wide purpose “turnkey”;
  • Providing the organizations' needs in multi-variant design of technical objects (first of all, electronic systems or their element basis in the form of customized LSI);
  • Design, development and exploitation of computer networks and systems, means of electronic data transfer and information safety;
  • Development of programs by the modern means of CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), computer and HTML (JAVA) technologies, placing and search for necessary information in the Internet;
  • Using the modern tools of information technologies to provide functioning of organizations themselves: application programs installing, creation of data bases, systems of business processes and office automation;
  • Information re-design of organizations according to their needs, connecting to information Internet resources, creation of working places with network support.
  • Department graduates work in state, small and common enterprises, the other commercial structures, providing their informatization and connection to Internet. Department graduates have probation abroad and have to use the obtained knowledge in national branch of CADS and electronics.

Historical reference

Department began training specialists on computer systems of design in 1972, being first in Ukraine and one of the first in former USSR. Everything began from 'Industrial electronics' specialty, exactly, from 'Electronic devices for control systems' specilaty. The complicated way of establishing electronic techniques as branch which was first manufacturing utilities and electronic devices, to branch of development and manufacturing superlarge integrated circuits and computers based on them, was performed.

Such main stages can be stressed on this way.

In the beginning (left to right): Associate professor A.I. Petrenko, associate professor S.V. Denbnovetsky, associate professor Y.M. Kalnibolotsky and director of Department prof. V.P. Sigorsky.

CADS idea conception (1964-1970)

Department was headed by prof., D.E. Vitaliy Petrovych Sigorsky, and it was training specialists in 'Electronic devices for control systems' specialization, specialty 0612 ('Industrial electronics') composed of one academic group (25 students). There was begun, and has been carried out actively, research of methods and algorithms for linear electronic circuits analysis, graphic information converters for computers, scale-time signal converters, etc. At this time Department's collective has been forming, and its traditions have been created. It must be mentioned that this period meant renaissance of 'Technical electronics' specialization that was created in 1956 by associate professor, Doctor of technical sciences S.V. Svechnikov on 'electronic devices' Department (who is now academician of NAS of Ukraine, Director of Institute of semiconductors). In 1962 (after S.V. Svechnikov 's move to NAS of Ukraine) 'Industrial electronics' Department (head, associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.V. Rudenko) was created, where the basic backbone of specialization (associate professor A.I. Petrenko, associate professor Y.M. Kalnibolotsky, senior lecturer E.M. Vakulenko, assistant S.V. Denbnovetsky, assistant V.G. Abakumov, assistant A.A. Budniak) continued working in the field of signal electronics and control systems. When prof. V.P. Sigorsky came to 'KPI', restored specialization on the new Department in relatively short time achieved noticeable success after all directions of its activity: educational-methodical, scientific and organization-educational. At these years V.V. Bobin, O.O. Kapshuk, V.Y. Zinchenko, V.G. Artuhov, V.V. Romanov, V.G. Fesechnko, Y.A. Zaborovsky came as graduate students to the Department, and then they became its collaborators.

The most important events of this period include:

  • organization of permanently working seminar 'Methods of analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits' at Republican House of scientific-technical information;
  • participation in all-USSR program of Academy of Sciences of USSR on BASONI experimental research automatization;
  • opening the task laboratory on converting graphic information for computer;
  • writing and publication of tutorials and monographies: “Теория электрических схем” (Сигорский В.П., Петренко А.И., “Техника”, Киев, 1967 (перше видання) і “Вища школа”, Киев, 1970 (друге видання)); “Алгоритмы анализа электронных схем” (Сигорский В.П., Петренко А.И., “Техника”, Киев, 1971); “Матрицы и графы в электронике” (Сигорский В.П., “Техника”, Киев, 1968); “Автоматический ввод графиков в ЭВМ” (Петренко А.И., “Советское радио”, Москва, 1968); “Современные методы анализа электронных схем” (Петренко А.И., “Техника”, София, 1970) etc.;
  • defence of two Doctoral (A.I. Petrenko - 1968, Y.M. Kalnibolotsky - 1970) and 9 Candidate's dissertations.

Beginning of CADS idea introducing (1971-1976)

Department headed by its new head, prof., D.E. A.I. Petrenko moved to training specialists on new specialty 0648 'Building and manufacturing of computer devices'. For the first time in practice, “Mathematic modelling of electronic circuits on computers' course was introduced into curriculum. Amount of students increased to 2 academic groups (50 students). In connection with this, Department's educational work is rebuilt. Courses which have been read before were almost completely conducted for unification to the general faculty Department of general engineering training which was created on FET ('Theoretical electronics' Department, Head of Department prof., D.E. V. P. Sigorsky.); educational laboratories were re-equipped completely - 6 mini computers of СМ-4, СМ-3, СМ-1 types are used; cycle of important research works on automatization of non-linear systems and circuit design, automatization of project constructor works in electronics is performed.

New specialty required the new specialists: during this time, O.P. Tsoorin, V.F. Leskin, Y.S. Synekop and the others began to work on Department. In general, the collective which comprised 120, was the winner and prize winner of professional competition among the Departments of Faculty and Institute during 1971-1975. In academic year of 1971-72, on general Institute review, Department occupied the first place, in 1972-73, 1973-74 and 1974-75 Department have been occupying first place among the Departments of Faculty and Institute on scientific achievements review. From 46 factors introduced in 1975 Department had the highest values after 16factors (more than the other Departments had), and none of values was lower than the average level.

The most important events of this period include:

      writing and publication of monographs
    • “Algorithmic analysis of electronic circuits” (Petrenko A., Sigorsky V., Western Periodical, San-Francisco, USA, 1975);
    • “Автоматизированная система проектирования электронных схем” (edited by A.I. Petrenko, V.P. Sigorsky.).- Киев: “Техника”, 1973.;
    • “Анализ электронных схем с помощью ЭЦВМ” (authors' collective, published by Lviv University, 1975);
    • “Преобразователи графической информации для ЭЦВМ” (author's collective).- Киев: “Техника”, 1974);
    • “Побудова пристроїв графічної взаємодії“ , Цурін О.П. - Київ: “Знання “, 1974. etc.;
  • organization of permanently working seminar 'Design automation in electronics' at Rebublic House of scientific-technical and economic information;
  • participation in executing the all-USSR program on development of automated working places;
  • defence of two Doctoral (V.G. Abakumov, S.V. Denbnovetsky) and 18 Candidate's dissertations;
  • Prize of 'KPI' in 1972 for tutorial 'Fundamentals of electric circuits theory' (V.P. Sigorsky, A.I. Petrenko);
  • international recognition of scientific success, and inviting prof. A.I. Petrenko to the National University of California (Berkeley) in 1976 for common scientific work.

CADS specialty official recognition (1976-1981)

During this period, the new specialization 06.48.02. on training CADS developers, was officilay introduced, which required wide use of computers at all stages of design, building Computer Techniques and CADS technical means with the use of micro processor LSI as element base. Considerable modernization of specialty curriculum was needed, 8 new courses were introduced, they were built on original materials of scientific research in the field of CADS, conducted by Department and its task laboratory. material-technical base was renewed - 10 computers, including one large “EC-1033” computer for general University CADS laboratory, headed by associate professor A.A. Budnyak. For performing laboratory practice, program complex were used which were created mostly by Department collaborators.

Important cycle of CADS research was carried out, according to decrees of ДКНТ, national plan of Ussr and Inter-governmental Commission of Counsil for Economical Aid countries on computational techniques was carried out. For example, educational CADS Computer Techniques was created according to the task of ДКНТ Coordinated plan of developing national economy of USSR. Lecture courses on micro processor techniques were introduced (for this, 3 foreign books were translated and published). Cycle of researching the means of jacquard weaving automatization was carried out. Collective of Department (which got the name АP Computer Techniques— Computer Techniques design automatization), as earlier, kept leadership in professional contest among Departments of faculty and Institute. For achievements in educational-manufacturing activity, Department was given the title 'perfect', and it was rewarded by Jubilee document in 1980. Perfect department also had perfect student groups: the group DА-71 was given the title 'perfect', and the group DА-72 was called the best one among the IV year groups of in the Institute. G.D. Kiselev, V.M. Podladchikov, А.М. Smirnov, S.М Molyavko came to work on Department.

The most important events of this period include:

  • writing and publication of initial monograph series on CADS, among which are
    • “Табличные методы анализа электронных схем” (Петренко А.И., Власов А.М., Тимченко А.П.).- Киев.: “Вища школа”, 1977.;
    • “Автоматизация проектирования цифровых схем” (Петренко А.И., Цурин О.Ф., Киселев Г.Д., .).- Киев.: “Вища школа”, 1978.;
    • “Формальное конструирование электронно-вычислительной аппаратуры” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я.).- Москва: “Советское радио”, 1979.;
    • “Автоматическое программирование жеккардовых ткацких рисунков” (коллектив авторов).- Киев: “Техника”, 1979.;
    • “Автоматизация конструирования электронной аппаратуры. Топологический подход” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я., Шранченко Б.Л.).- Киев: ”Вища школа”, 1980. (перше видання), 1982. (друге видання);
    • “Автоматизация проектирования гибридных интегральных схем“ ( коллектив авторов).- Москва: Энергия, 1978.;
  • KPI prize of 1978 for monograph “Табличные методы анализа електронных схем”;
  • prize of all-USSR contest of MinVUZ of USSR in 1980 for the best scientific work on SPARS package of circuit engineering design programs;
  • introducing scientific implementations in the form of three industrial ОСТ for electronic circuit design;
  • defence of 12 Candidate's dissertations;
  • selling license for manufacturing and introducing automatized preparation of jacquard weaving to Bulgaria;
  • estimation of CADS specialists' high level of training, given after results of testing by State Inspectorate of MinVUZ of USSR in March 1981.

Wide implementation of CADS (1981-1986)

Specialists' training after the new techniques, which was performed by Department, required from its collective serious efforts on developing scientific-methodical literature on specialty and on creating the corresponding material-technical basis, and this ended in 1983 by introducing officially in the USSR and opening in 1985 in 'KPI' the new specialty, 0656, 'Computer aided design systems'. Until that time15 basic scientific CADS disciplines (and their modifications for special faculty, courses and faculty of professional development) were developed in Department; scientific-research CADS Computer Techniques, which enabled performing transparent design of complex electronic devices, which also included microprocessor systems programming, was put into use; 6 display classes with 60 working places were created; Department branch on PA “Кristal” was actively working. Started due to money received from scientific research introduction, computational base provided 250-300 hours of contact with computers for students of specialty during one academic year, which was record not only for higher educational establishments in Ukraine (MinVUZ's norm for that time was15-20 hours for the whole period of studying in higher educational establishment!). Department started the wide system of engineer specialists' qualification improvement, conducted 2 all-USSR conferences on methods of micro processor systems design and CADS and one all-USSR conference 'Graphic dialogue systems'. Up to 1500 listeners from pioneering organizations and industrial enterprises. Department collaborators (as aid to Kiev enterprises) have read the considerable amount of lectures cycles on CADS on PA “Mayak”, Petrovsky PA, Korolyov PA, on CADS Department of National Technical university, PA “Promtyazhavtomatyka”, etc.

  • Fundamental and applied work on creating technical and program means of electronic modelling and computer aided design, useful for state economy;
  • development of micro processor systems of wide and specific purpose and means for their programming automatization;
  • automatization of labour-intensive processes of enterprise technological preparation;
  • creating means for customized and matrix LSI design, methods and means of digital signal processing, design of specialized graphic systems were continued on Department.

During this period, CADS collective is the leader in contest between the Departments of Faculty and University. Every year Department and its task laboratory were confirming the title 'perfect' which was given to them. Department works rhythmically, collective has normal social psychological microclimate and creative atmosphere. Student collective is also the reason to be glad. For instance, for XI five-year plan students published 56 articles and received 20 awards for contest scientific works. Department graduates get the high-quality fundamental training and improve the applied training on the pioneering Kiev enterprises, such as PA “Кristal”, Electronmash, Korolyov ПO, Kiev Radio Engineering plant, 'Arsenal' plant, etc. In its turn, Department shows on exhibition 41 exhibit, and gets 9 awards.

Conference of CADS section, Council of economical aid (РЕВ, 1985)

The most important events of this period include:

    continuing publications on CADS: “Основы построения САПР” (Петренко А.И., ”Техника”, Киев, 1982); “Топологические методы трассровки печатных плат” (Петренко А.И., Тетельбаум А.Я., Забалуєв Н.Н., “Радио и связь”, Москва 1983); “Автоматизация проектирования больших интегральных схем”“Основы построения САПР” (учебник, Петренко А.И., Семенков О.И., “Вища школа”, Киев, 1984 - first edition, 1985 - second edition); “Основы на системите на автоматизирано проектиране САПР” (Петренко А., Семенков О., “Техника”, София, 1986);

    - participation in Interdepartmental complex task program PRАМ (task 01), in Single Coordination plan of collaboration of Council for applying the means of computational techniques for countries-members of РЕВ (task 2.3.7) etc;

    - carrying out regular 1,5 - month courses on micro processor techniques for engineers (100 listeners from МПО and 800 listeners from Ministry of Communications of Ukraine per year);

    - defence of one Doctoral (A.Y. Tetelbaum) and 15 Candidate's dissertations;State Prize of Ukraine for 1986

    - rewarding prof. A.I. Petrenko with State Order “Sign of Respect” for successes in scientific and pedagogical activity;

    - signing and executing direct agreements on collaboration with Coordinational Center of Informatics and Computational Techniques of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Gabrov Higher Machine-Electric Engineering Institute and Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute;

    - choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as deputy editor of international magazine “Circuit Theory and Application” (Great Britain).

    5. Move to multistage model of engineer education (1986-1992)

    So called 'restructuring', begun in USSR, led to country disintegration, and it had influence on specialists' training system. 'Law on Education' was adopted in the independent Ukraine, which made provision for move to the multistage model of engineering training. To provide this, Department took active part in forming curriculum for Bachelor training у after modified specialty 560.200 “Computer information technologies (CADS)”, preparing 12 basic and 10 elective courses, implementing the new specialization 560.240 'Computer aided design and control of social economical objects and CADS systems in industry and business'. For the period mentioned, change of computer devices on Department and in its display classes was made. In conditions when supply from executed economic calculation subjects were first reduced and then disappeared, it was important to look for alternative ways of receiving the computational techniques. For this period, Department received: from IBM Company, for scientific-research work on high school tasks (1989-1990, 4 computers), from Bulgarian 'Mekhatronika' enterprise according to agreement on collaboration (1989-90, 7 computers), from DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) Company on conducting common scientific-research work (3 computers, 10 working stations and 8 remote terminals), etc. At Department expense, 8 national and 9 Polish computers were purchased.

    In conditions of economic crisis of national electronic industry, channels of funding for economic subject works stopped working, and Department made the additional efforts to win three contest national budget works on the line of Ukrainian State Committee on science and technologies, and also Ministry of Science of Ukraine. In spite of shortening its amount, Department has been holding scientific seminars and conferences every year (in Kiev, Slavsky, Verhovyny, Tschernivtsi), in the work of which took part more than 1000 engineers and scientists, organizations of Ukraine and of the other countries the near abroad. Department also took active part in conducting after the line of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine the international conference 'State of industry in Ukraine and ways of its renovation' in June 1992. To replace the international connections after РЕВ line, collaboration with Michigan State University, with International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), with COMNET European Association for Universities and Industry was established. For instance, in 1991-92 educational years, economic disciplines of specialty have been read in English by specialists from the USA.

    The most important events of this period include:

    - publishing the line of tutorials, including: “Схематическое моделирование в машиностроении” (A.I. Petrenko, V.V. Ladogubets, V.V. Tschkalov, UМО МО, Kiev, 1989); “Графические диалоговые средства САПР” (O.P. Tsoorin, УМО МО, Kiev, 1990); “Автоматизация проектирования технологических процессов изготовления БИС” (authors' collective, UМО МО, Kiev, 1988); “Геометрическое моделирование и машинная графика в САПР” (authors' collective, “Вища школа”, Kiev, 1991); “Справочник по микропроцессорной електронно-вычислительной аппаратуре” (authors' collective, “Теника”, Kiev, 1988);

    - Prize of KPI for 1990 for developing the complex of automated circuit engineering design in mechanical engineering;

    - choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as Academician and Vice president of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, adjunct professor of Michigan State University, member of editorial board of “Applied Engineering Education” magazine;

    - successful training of Bachelors' on the renovated computer basis of the Department;

    - entering the European and international associations of engineering education.

    6. Establishing design computerization as computer science (1993-1998)

    At forming the official list of specialties in Ukraine the old name for 'Computer design systems (CADS)' specialty was changed, according to the international practice, to 'Information technologies of design'

    Conference of Department of Informatization and Automatization of AIN of Ukraine (1993)

    L.S. Globa, О.А. Luntovsky, V.Y. Stikanov, T.І Golota., Y.V. Demchenko, V.S. Georgizova-Gai began to work on Department during this period.

    CAD Department, 1998 (left to right):

    first row: associate professor А.А. Budniak, associate professor О.І. Kondratenko, prof. A.I. Petrenko, prof. V.G. Artuhov, associate professor V.Y. Zinchenko;

    second row: associate professor V.V. Bobin, senior staff scientist V.V. Ladogubets, associate professor O.P. Tsoorin, associate professor V.Y. Stikanov, prof. L.S. Globa, associate professor V.V. Romanov, associate professor O.O. Kapshuk, associate professor V.G. Kiselev.

    The most important events of this period include:

    - writing and publication of the first national monograph “Multimedia” (коллектив авторов, изд-во BHV, Киев, 1994); scientific edition of Russian translation of the book “Все про Internet” by A. Krol (изд-во BHV, Киев, 1995);

    - writing and publication in Australia at UNESCO expense of the first monography “ALLTED” - a Computer-Aided Engineering System for Electronic Circuit Design” (Petrenko A.I., Ladogubets V.V., Tchkalov V.V., Pudlowski Z.J., UICEE, Melbourne, 1997);

    - defence of Doctorate (L.S. Globa) and 12 candidate's dissertations;

    - organization at Department in 1993 of International Center for perspective education 'Multimedia' (VRC-1-Vocation Renewal Centre);

    - receiving grants after CALMAP-TACIS European program (1992-94), connected with multimedia technologies; after “Favouring Internet development in Ukraine” program by “Renaissance” trust (1996-1997); after COPERNICUS-INCO European program, dedicated to network exchange of multimedia tutorials from European higher educational establishments (beginning from 1997);

    - getting computer class on the new personal computers Pentium2 by Department as winner of tender from Intel Company;

    - organization of engineering and Master training;

    - computer base of Department modernization, introduction of local network and class with on-line Internet addresses;

    - creation of Department's WWW-page (home page) in Internet;

    - mastering and introducing into the educational process of VHDL-technology of electronic circuits design automatization on the highest levels of hierarchic description;- choosing prof. A.I. Petrenko as member of New York Academy of Sciences and Honoured professor of NTUU 'Kiev Polytechnic Institute';

    - creation on the basis of scientific sub department of scientific-research 'Information resources' Center in NTUU 'KPI'.

    7. Active international collaboration (since 1998)

    As world-acknowledged qualified and reliable partner, CADS Department has been actively involved, and is being involved into numerous international projects where its partners are Bristol, Erlangen-Nurnberg and Wroclaw Universities (after MM-EDU project of INCO-COPERNICUS European program); Michigan and Turin Universities (after Т1636 project of USTC); American General Electric and Compaq Companies; Southern Korean SeoduLogic Company.

    Regular Master's probation abroad begun. Eight Masters were working in Frankfurt-upon-Oder University in 2001, three more were working in German TRW Automotive Company, and one Master was working in Belgium. Now, beginning from January 15, 2002, five Masters work in Germany. For the last three years the amount of foreign citizens studying after 'Information technologies of design' specialty, has increased considerably. Now this group comprises 32 students which are half of all the foreign students on Faculty of Electronics.

    After data of NTUU 'KPI' selection committee, competition for 'Information technologies of design' specialty in 2001 was the highest one on the Electronics Faculty (3.44 pers./place) and has almost reached the best value on the Faculty of Informatics and Computational techniques (3.47 pers./place). That is why the University administration assented to collect the additional group of students on specialty to teach them by contract basis.In 1999 prof. A.I. Petrenko conducted the educational seminar in Chinese University of Shansha and git the diploma of Honoured professor in this University. In 2000 he has been invited to read lectures to Pohang University of Science and Technology (Southern Korea), the best University of far East.

    At this time Department accepted on continuing basis the next collaborators: associate professor V.V. Ladogubets and senior lecturer V.S. Georgizova-Gai, аnd К.V. Kharchenko and O.Y. Beznosyk became lecturers – by-workers.

    At Prof. Lee's, Rector of Seoul National University

    The most important events of this period include:

    - getting in1999 the grant from Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Centre (ASTC) on developing the “Development of network complex of complex multifunctional systems computer aided design” project;

    - development, according to the task of International MM-EDU project, of multimedia remote learning course “In-build systems design” in WebCT environment and its demonstration in video conference mode during the visit of Director of International Institute of Intellectual property to NTUU 'KPI' (October 2001) ;

    - executing in 2001 contract with General Electric Company for development of mathematical MEMS model (ultrasonic electric membrane);

    - agreement from 2000 with Southern Korean SeoduLogic Company about including the Department program product ALLTED into the MyCAD integrated system for LSI design;

    - beginning of real LSI development for modern technologies (0.18 mc), development of five integrated circuits for Germany and their manufacturing on Siemens Company:

    - receiving technical support in the form of computer equipment for the sum of 30.000 USDfrom Соmpaq Company;

    - modernization of the Department computer classes and computer network, changing Internet provider and increasing bandwidth of communication channel to128 Kb/seс;

    - writing and publication abroad of two books: “ALL TECHNOLOGY DISIGNER: Reference Book” (edited by A.I. Petrenko and Yung Su Yu, San Mun University, 1999, 342 р.) and “Basics of Electronic Circuits Computer – Aided Design” (A.I. Petrenko, Pohang University, 2000, 249 р.);

    - signing an agreement with Open International University of Human Development 'Ukraine' about collaboration in organization of training specialists for people with special needs (invalids);

    - participation with invited lectures by Prof. A.I. Petrenko in the work of European Conference on scheme theory and design (ECCTD’99 and ECCTD’01), which took place, correspondingly, in Italy (1999) and Finland(2001);

    - signing an agreement in 2002 with American UniGraphics Company about equipping the scientific-educational laboratory of Department of Computer Graphics with 6 work stations.

    Main Department achievements during its existing on Faculty of Electronics:

    1. Preparing 85 Candidate's and 6 Doctoral dissertations (A.I. Petrenko, Y.M. Kalnibolotsky, S.V. Denbnovetsky, V.G. Abakumov, O.Y. Tetekbaum, L.S. Globa).

    2. Preparation and publication of complex library over the whole theory and practice of CADS whcihcontains 29 monographs, tutorials and textbooks, 18 brochures and 950 scientific works.

    3. National recognition in the form of State Prize of Ukraine for 'Fundamentals of CADS modelling' textbook (A.I. Petrenko, 1986) and three 'KPI' Prizes (1972,78 and 90).

    4. Foreign recognition by translating and publishing 4 monographs in the USA, Bulgaria, Australia, and Korea, involving the Department into executing international projects and inviting to editorial boards of “Circuit Theory and Application” (England) and “Applied Engineering Education”(Germany) international magazines.

    5. Creation of powerful design automatization complexes in electronics (PRAM, ALLTED, KOMOL etc.), first releases of which were approved as state standards for Minoboronprom, Minradioprom, Minserednyomash and Mingazmash of former Soviet Union.

    6. Creation of Scientific Research Institute of Informtional Resources in NTUU 'KPI' (1998).

    7. Creation of training direction for specialists on computer design and increasing the Faculty students contingent for 125 people (first 75 on Department of АПЕОА, and then 50 people on Department of CADS).

    8. Creation of well-equipped computer laboratories on the basis of personal computers, local computer net which is connected to the Internet World Wide Web. Creation of curriculum for fundamental and special training, taking into account the international standards (first of all, ACM/IEEE/Curricula’91 common recommendations) for studying computer science.

    9. Creation of scientific school in the field of computer aided design systems, well-known both in Ukraine and abroad, which carries on research, development and implementation of pioneering methods for technical and social and economical objects design, their parameters and characteristics optimization, principles of organization of distributed program-technical network design complexes, information multimedia resources for providing the processes of design and education.