Кафедра СП — одна з найпрестижніших кафедр КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, яка першою в Україні розпочала підготовку фахівців з комп'ютерних систем проектування у 1972 році. Кафедра СП здійснює підготовку фахівців для науково-дослідної, проектної і організаційно-управлінської діяльності у галузі застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у проектуванні найрізноманітніших об'єктів штучного середовища людини і інформатизації функціонування організацій та установ.

News > Site News > стажировка в Ecole Polytechnique
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Уважаемые студенты!
Есть возможность пройти стажировку в Ecole Polytechnique. Все подробности и условия Вы найдете ниже.
Если есть желающие, то пожалуйста, напишите на почту: a.g.kyselova@gmail.com
Желательно как можно раньше для составления списка от ИПСы.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь, пожалуйста, к координатору украино-французких проектов НТУУ \"КПИ\", доценту факультета лингвистики Огурцовой Ольги Леонидовны 050 14 337 95, ogurtsova.o@gmail.com.

Dear Partner,



In the frame of the strategic cooperation between our two institutions, we are pleased to bring your attention to the opening of the program “Internship Program for International Students” of École Polytechnique for the year 2016. This program is aimed at supporting and consolidating the collaboration between École Polytechnique and a selected group of international partners.



With this objective, the Internship Program for International Students gives undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to carry out a 3 to 6-month internship in laboratories of École Polytechnique.



The Program is open to students at the following levels:



-          Undergraduate: Bachelor\'s students in their 3rd or 4th year


-          Graduate :  Master\'s students in their 1st or 2nd year


-          PhD students


We kindly ask you to bring this opportunity to the attention of potential candidates within your institution.



All the relevant information about the program are available on our website.



The candidates will have to choose subjects among the ones listed here on our website, and then prepare the application documents by following the instructions given on this page.



The application is done directly by the students via an on-line application form and the deadline is set on January 29th.  We will communicate the link to the application form to the partner institution in the first week of January.



We kindly ask to our partner institutions to preselect a maximum of 5 students and to communicate their coordinates to the head of the program: Elena Murè, elena.mure@polytechnique.edu



I myself remain at your kind disposal for any further information.



Best regards,



Dr Elena Murè


Chargée de Développement International | International Development Manager


Direction des Relations Internationales | Vice Presidency for International Relations

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стажировка в Ecole Polytechnique
Уважаемые студенты!
Есть возможность пройти стажировку в Ecole Polytechnique. Все подробности и условия Вы найдете ниже.
Если есть желающие, то пожалуйста, напишите на почту:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Желательно как можно раньше для составления списка от ИПСы.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь, пожалуйста, к координатору украино-французких проектов НТУУ "КПИ", доценту факультета лингвистики Огурцовой Ольги Леонидовны 050 14 337 95, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Dear Partner,

In the frame of the strategic cooperation between our two institutions, we are pleased to bring your attention to the opening of the program “Internship Program for International Students” of École Polytechnique for the year 2016. This program is aimed at supporting and consolidating the collaboration between École Polytechnique and a selected group of international partners.

With this objective, the Internship Program for International Students gives undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to carry out a 3 to 6-month internship in laboratories of École Polytechnique.

The Program is open to students at the following levels:

-          Undergraduate: Bachelor's students in their 3rd or 4th year

-          Graduate :  Master's students in their 1st or 2nd year

-          PhD students

We kindly ask you to bring this opportunity to the attention of potential candidates within your institution.

All the relevant information about the program are available on our website.

The candidates will have to choose subjects among the ones listed here on our website, and then prepare the application documents by following the instructions given on this page.

The application is done directly by the students via an on-line application form and the deadline is set on January 29th.  We will communicate the link to the application form to the partner institution in the first week of January.

We kindly ask to our partner institutions to preselect a maximum of 5 students and to communicate their coordinates to the head of the program: Elena Murè,  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

I myself remain at your kind disposal for any further information.

Best regards,

Dr Elena Murè

Chargée de Développement International | International Development Manager

Direction des Relations Internationales | Vice Presidency for International Relations